Clinical efficacy of ZERBAXA® (ceftolozane and tazobactam) against HABP/VABP
Treatment of hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia and ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (HABP/VABP)
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Study design
ZERBAXA was studied in critically ill patients.1
Primary efficacy endpoint: all-cause mortality at day 28. Objective was to demonstrate the noninferiority of ZERBAXA versus meropenem in adults with HABP/VABP. For analysis of the overall treatment differences, 2-sided 95% confidence intervals (Cls) were calculated as stratified Newcombe Cls.1
100% of patients in the trial were ventilated

Current antibiotic failure
Approximately 13% of patients were failing current antibacterial therapy for HABP/VABP

Patients had a median baseline APACHE II score of 17, indicating a 24% mortality rate (1/3 of patients had a score of ≥20, a 40% estimated mortality)1,2

Hospitalized for ≥5 days
77% of patients had been hospitalized for ≥5 days, 92% in the ICU1
Primary endpoint
ZERBAXA achieved primary endpoint of noninferiority in day 28 all-cause mortality vs meropenem in adult patients with HABP/VABP in ITT population.1
The analysis population for the primary endpoint was the ITT population, which included all randomized patients
- In the vHABP subgroup of patients (~28.5%), there was a favorable response for ZERBAXA in day 28 all-cause mortality.
- In the VABP subgroup, day 28 all-cause mortality was 24.0% (63/263) for ZERBAXA and 20.3% (52/256) for meropenem
Kaplan-Meier plots for all-cause mortality including day 28 overall ITT and subgroup analyses
The Kaplan-Meier plots were not powered to demonstrate statistical significance in subgroups and individual time points. Subgroup analyses were not designed for noninferiority testing.3,4,5,6
Overall ITT population1,3
vHABP subgroup4
VABP subgroup1,3
Subgroup of participants who failed prior antibiotic therapy in ASPECT-NP5,a
aUnstratified Newcombe CIs; positive differences are in favor of ceftolozane/tazobactam; negative differences are in favor of meropenem.
Additional information and limitations for failed prior antibiotic therapy subgroup5:
- Participants who were failing prior antibacterial therapy were a prospectively defined subgroup.
- Antibacterial therapy received 72 h prior to starting study treatment in participants who were failing antibacterial treatment before included: beta-lactam/BLI, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, macrolides, and carbapenems.
- Participants with missing/indeterminate data were reported as deceased.
1. Kollef MH, Nováček M, Kivistik Ü, et al. Ceftolozane-tazobactam versus meropenem for treatment of nosocomial pneumonia (ASPECT-NP): a randomised, controlled, doubleblind, phase 3, non-inferiority trial. Lancet Infect Dis. 2019;19(12):1299-1311.
2. APACHE II Calculator: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score to predict hospital mortality. Updated November 10, 2018. Accessed February 28, 2024.
3. Data available on request from Merck & Co., Inc., Professional Services DAP, WP1-27, PO Box 4, West Point, PA 19846-0004. Please specify information package US-ZER-01413.
4. Timsit JF, Huntington JA, Wunderink RG, et al. Ceftolozane/tazobactam versus meropenem in patients with ventilated hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia: subset analysis of the ASPECT-NP randomized, controlled phase 3 trial. Crit Care. 2021:25:290.
5. Kollef MH, Timsit JF, Martin-Loeches I, et al. Outcomes in participants with failure of initial antibacterial therapy for hospital-acquired/ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia prior to enrollment in the randomized, controlled phase 3 ASPECT-NP trial of ceftolozane/tazobactam versus meropenem. Crit Care. 2022;26(1):373. doi:10.1186/s13054-022-04192-w